
Songs of Deliverance


Review by Tom Lennie




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Recorded live over two evenings in Christchurch, New Zealand, this album was the fruit of much prayer and many years of waiting for the right time. We chose to do it live, even though the studio tempted us with the higher quality of sound and less problems of extra noise; but above this was the desire to be recorded in actual worship, rather than just performing worship songs in the studio. We really hoped and prayed that the presence of the Lord would be captured in the recording. To our great joy, we believe this actually happened. Even though the anointing was a bit much for some of the equipment and the battle before and after the recording was quite intense, it was all worth it. We have seen many exciting results from this music already and believe it has only just begun.



Write to me: Rick Stokes, 7 Supplejack Valley Road, RD1 Upper Moutere, New Zealand 7173, or
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